“Mac Lake grew up in a small West Virginia town and gave his life to Jesus at a young age. He experienced strong pull to enter ministry at the age of 18, and indicated he felt inadequate, yet had a strong stirring in his soul and was encouraged by his mother and others who confirmed his calling. He served as pastor at Sea Coast Church in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and has been a strong influence in the church planting movement in the United States. Mac formerly served the North American Mission Board of the SBC, and his passion is to grow the local church. He formed Multiply Group to provide leadership development to churches, ministry and secular groups and organizations.”
“God stirred my heart using the Word to bring salvation to me, he used the word to bring a calling into my life. And that calling was to say here I am Lord I will do whatever.”
— -Bob Burton
“Warren Gasaway is an Arkansas native, he came to faith at the age 10, after high school he graduated from the University of Arkansas and became involved in television production. It was then when God began to work in his life, and he knelt with his wife and prayed the prayer “wherever, whenever and whatever” placing his “Yes” on the table and within three months there were directed to a path in full-time ministry, and he went on to receive his M.D. from the Southwestern Theological Seminary. Warren presently serves as a team leader in the areas of evangelism, church health and collegiate ministries for the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Warren also serves on the advisory council for Follow the Call Ministries.”
“Matt Wunderlin call to ministry testimony began 20+ years while living in Los Angeles, California. He felt a real yearning for ministry and explains in his testimony it was not affirmed by the local church, not just once but a couple times. By the providence of God and His timing and agreement of the church he was truly called into ministry. Matt serves as the pastor for Rolling Hills Church located in Platteville, Wisconsin. Matt is also a Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force Reserve.”
“Julius Brent and his wife Kula are both expatriates from Liberia now living in the United States. Together they lead “Love For Liberia” an organization whose vision is to advance the gospel message to the people of Liberia by strengthening existing churches through evangelism making disciples acting upon Jesus plan carrying out the great commission. The work they along with others to oversee and lead a vibrant ministry. The ministry includes operating two schools where children can receive education, health care and a home, as well as a brighter future. He and Kula actively support the local church in Liberia and have done much to strengthen the communities they impact. The Brents established in Madison, Wisconsin “Voice of Hope in Christ Assembly.””
“David Gonzales is the pastor at the First Baptist Church located in Douglas, Arizona, and has been in pastoral ministry for eight years of which he has served as a full-time pastor the past four years. He came to faith in his early twenties. His call to ministry became apparent to him as he tested the teachings of the Catholic church and he began to really search the Scriptures, and developed a love for God’s word and a desire to share it with others.”
“Jose Marco resides in Madison, Wisconsin and is the pastor of Emmanuel Church. He provides strong leadership in the Latino church planting movement in Wisconsin. In this video, he provides his call to ministry in (Española).”
“Isaac Karpenske is the pastor at Journey Church located in Amery, Wisconsin. He was called to ministry when he was a junior in high school and was mentored by other men and was provided to the opportunity to preach and teach, and received the affirmation of calling from others in his life.”
“Brad Kautz is originally from the upper Midwest and worked in the health care field. He shared how he came to faith in his 40’s and how through a number of steps he felt called to ministry from a Boy Scout leader to a Bible study leader which inspired him to dig deeper and learn more. Brad completed his MDiv course work over the course of a five year period and followed God’s call to pastor a church part of the Jicarrila Apache Nation in Dulce, New Mexico.”
“Ron Mathis is the pastor at the First Baptist Church of Lafayette, Tennessee for sharing his call to ministry testimony. The beginnings of his call to ministry began as a Sunday school teacher and grew as he engaged in discipleship training. He was asked to preach by his pastor and something sparked within him to explore the call ministry.”
“Stephen Clement for sharing his call to ministry testimony. Stephen and his family have been serving the Lord through missionary work in Brazil, and recently moved back to the United States. We caught him at the Oklahoma City Airport where he graciously shared his testimony explained the steps in his initial call and his passion for the Word of God. He also provides a good example of humility and discernment as is presently discerning the direction God is calling him as he has placed his “Yes” on the table.”
“Aaron Woodall is a student at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary located in Louisville, Kentucky where he is working on his doctorate degree. He felt the call when he was working in Washington D.C. as a senate intern and was considering a career in law and politics and he had an encounter with God which redirected the course of his life to serve God and make his life count for the kingdom.”
“Felix Sermon is originally from the Philippines. He served in the U.S. Army as a Brigade Chaplain. He is a church planter and presently serves as the pastor of Grace International Christian Church located in Springfield, Virginia.”
“Benjamin Quinn shares how as a young boy growing up in Mississippi he sensed the call to ministry while participating at a Christian youth camp. He shares how his pastors supported and mentored him. He presently serves dual roles as a pastor and professor. He is the lead pastor at Holly Grove Baptist Church located in Springfield, North Carolina and serves as an Associate Professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as the Associate Director of the Center for Faith and Culture.”
“Josh Allen felt the call to ministry at a Christian church camp while attending Middle School and believed God was calling him to become a pastor. He shared his aspiration with his pastor and his pastor affirmed his call to ministry. Josh has served in multiple ministry roles and is a campus pastor at Christ Place Church in Gainesville, Georgia.”
“Jonathan LaFleur serves as the Lead Pastor at First Southern Baptist Church in Terre Haute, Indiana, Jonathan has pastored there since July 2017. As a young boy he became a follower of Christ and at the age of sixteen felt the call to ministry and it was affirmed by his friend Eric and knew from the time he entered college he wanted to preach.”
“Peter Ko clearly felt a call to ministry while attending Oregon State University. He now serves in Madison, Wisconsin reaching out to the Korean community. He is the pastor of Livingstone Baptist Church and graciously shared his testimony in his native Korean language”
“Upon completing his studies at Oregon State University, Peter said, “God clearly called me to full-time ministry.”
— Peter Ko
“Kurt Owens serves as the Lead Pastor of UFlourish Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. UFlourish is an inner-city church with a multi-cultural reach. Kurt is the founder of Bridge Builders inspiring inner-city innovation. Kurt grew up in the church, but as a young adult became involved in gangs and became a drug dealer. He relates God spared his life and brought about change which led him into the ministry”
“Reginald Taylor, Sr. led a life down a wrong path which brought him to Jesus while serving jail time after his release he became involved in the church realized through being discipled by others, it became very clear to him that he was called to preach. Reggie serves as the lead pastor of “The Rock Church” located in South Haven, Mississippi.”
“Jim Boyd was in college and working as a courier for Federal Express and realized that he would rather give his time to serving Jesus versus a paycheck. Jim has been involved in ministry in Alaska and felt called to plant a church in Lynchburg, Virginia where he serves as pastor for K12 Collective.”
“Brian Bond has been involved in ministry for 32 years and serves as the worship pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Edwardsville, Illinois. Brian, a pastor’s son, grew up in Kewanee Illinois. He attended Illinois State University, where he studied Music Education and Music Performance. Brian has a very extraordinary call to ministry testimony and we hope you find it to be special. We are thankful for how God is working in Brian’s ministry to share Jesus.”
“Julio Varela grew up in Mexico and as a young child attended church with his grandmother and became a believer when he was thirteen years old. Julio earned a degree in engineering and computer science, and while working with youth in his church, and had an undeniable call to ministry. He and wife came to the United States to obtain a Bible degree and felt called to teach and make disciples. Julio presently serves as the Academic Dean at the Baptist University of the Americas in San Antonio, Texas”
“Corwin Wong’s call to ministry began when others poured into him and through essentially a residency building process grew in his faith was asked by his pastor if he had ever considered ministry and Corwin’s pastor began to train him up in Biblical eldership. Corwin is the pastor of First Baptist Church located in Winthrop, Illinois.”
“As I look back and connect dots, I call it God’s providence, basically I hit rock bottom and came to the end of myself and for the first time in my life, I really longed for Christ.”
— - Chase Higginbotham
“I was in my early teenage years and felt a call to full-time ministry and went to my pastor and asked what does it mean to be a pastor, and he said, well, it means to be a servant.”
— Lance Ratze
“When I was in the Navy serving in Japan and Hawaii, I really had this feeling that God had so much bigger plans for me.”
— Brian Schoffstaff
“When I realized that God loves me and extended his life to me, I just responded to a father, a heavenly father that loved me and called me to himself.” “I really called my calling to faith along side my calling to the ministry.”
— Trey Turner
“It would have never started unless I went to youth camp when I was nineteen years old.” “I got the sense that I had many friends who didn’t know the Lord who would go to hell if they didn’t meet him, and God was calling me to help them follow Jesus.”
— Eddie Hancock
“God spoke to my heart about being his ambassador, I was struggling with what God was asking me to do, what’s my mission my purpose in life and I just didn’t get an answer, and just before choir practice I was looking through the Bible and I read 2 Timothy 2:4 and knew that is what God wanted me to do.”
— Tom Henderson
“God called me in 1993 when I was 19 years old I went to a church in Jordan, and after that started reading the Bible to understand Jesus, in 2003, I started serving the church and after that started full-time ministry.”
— Issa Safadi (Arabic)
“The discovery of the purpose of what God had for me took me a few years.” He said, “in the meantime God was training me and equipping me to be ready.”
— Jose Marco
“Llamado al Ministerio Testimonio (español)”
— Miguel Bestias
“Llamado al Ministerio Testimonio (español)”
— Vladmir Kalabujov
“I always felt a calling to ministry, but I did not pursue it and went to medical school, and my fourth year, the call was so strong that I told my wife I would never practice medicine for a long time, my calling was into the ministry.”
— Boakai Passewe
“Tony was at a missions conference in Brazil listening to a speaker from Italy, and at that moment the Holy Spirit touched my heart and told me very clear you are going to be a missionary.”
— Gerardo (Tony) Antivero
“I had the opportunity to make a choice to get out of my businesses and make a lot more money, and thankfully, for my life he reminded me, I thought you want me and not all this other.”
“I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to my heart, I compared it to Samuel, I heard the voice of the Lord speaking to my heart, but I hadn’t been discipled and hadn’t really been taught in that manner. So I went home and got on his face and it wasn’t long while I was on my face I knew God was calling me to preach.”
— Carl Love
“I saw how people came and shared with the kids, with the youth, with the young people and that is how God touched my heart, and told me Sebastian, I want you to go do this.”
— Sebastian Guerrero
“I wanted to know what God wanted me to do, God what do you want me to do, and he very clearly said, “Just trust me – just trust me!” and I knew in the moment God was calling me to ministry.”
— Jeremy Franks
“I was discipled by my pastor, he got me involved in church ministries and I became very active and began preaching.”
— Johnson Ugurji
“I was praying for God to use me. I walked behind the pastor and asked him to grow me, I had no idea what I was doing, I made it three steps past that and asked myself, what did I just do. Jimmy explains he was riding his motorcycle, and while wearing his helmet and he heard God ask him if he was ready to go to the next level.”
— Jimmy Van Loozen
“When I was six years old I remember telling my Mom and all my family when I grow up I want to be a missionary and I am going to go to a different part of the world to share the gospel.”
— Walter Gutiérrez Solórzano
“I felt this incredible experience where I sensed the Lord was calling me to surrender my life to ministry and to be a pastor.”